WEC’s sole aim is to see people from every ethnic group encounter Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. We work in over 90 countries throughout the world.

Vision & Mission
To bring the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the remaining unevangelised peoples with the utmost urgency. In partnership with likeminded individuals, churches and organisations locally and overseas, we are committed to:
❣ Inspire, mobilise and train workers for unreached people groups
❣ send out workers to the unevangelised peoples; make disciples; plant churches
❣ pray and provide member care for our workers at home and on the field
Mission Opportunities And Testimonies
Short Term Local Internships Testimony
Jason, who was born in Malaysia and went on to study a Masters in Intercultural…
Mission Trip Testimony
Jun, from Canaan Baptist Church, shares about their mission team’s experience to Central Thailand….I thank…